Charles S. Craig, MAB, MAJ
Board Member
Charles Craig has been involved with Advocates for Responsible Care (ARxC) since it was formed and is one of the founders of ARxC’s partner organization, Georgia Coalition for Safe Communities. He is a writer, editor and lecturer on bioethics, health care, biotechnology and public affairs issues.
Craig has been on the front lines of the biotechnology revolution since the mid-1990s as a writer, editor, and communicator. He was president of Georgia Bio, which represents the state’s biotech, pharmaceutical and medical device companies and associated academic and community health care centers, and was director of publications for the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the world’s largest trade association representing biotech companies, academic institutions and related health care groups. Craig also was a writer and managing editor of BioWorld, an international daily publication covering the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, and was the author and editor of Ernst & Young’s annual Global Biotechnology Report.
In addition, Craig has been a state and federal government lobbyist specializing in biotechnology and health care issues and currently is the co-founder of Opus Biotech Communications. During his career, he also worked as a writer and editor for mainstream newspapers, magazines, and television news. Craig has a Master of Arts degree in Bioethics from Emory University, a Master of Journalism degree from Louisiana State University and Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Virginia.