Ira Katz
Board Member
After attending the University of Baltimore, where he was elected student senator, Ira joined VISTA upon graduation. Working with, and sponsored by the American Postal Workers Union, Ira developed a plan and coordinated the renovation of several senior citizens homes in Atlanta. Using volunteers from schools, religious organizations, prison inmates and others, he coordinated a grass roots effort with Project MOVE to accomplish necessary home repairs. These repairs saved the owners from being displaced due to code violations. After VISTA, Ira attended Columbia Southern School of Law. In addition, Ira obtained a Real Estate license.
For several years, Ira has enjoyed staying active in current issues and events and has worked on a professional level with several state agencies, utilities and businesses. Working closing with the Georgia Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Ira was instrumental in relocating several manufacturing companies to the Atlanta metro area. He has also worked with other major companies and corporations in other states to assist in their relocation and industry centered needs. He is well known for offering a comprehensive, enthusiastic and committed service to all his clients.
Ira has an extensive associate’s base in Atlanta, and its surrounding areas, of buyers, investors, venders, fellow brokers and associates, business and community contacts.
He has worked well with DeKalb County officials for re-zoning, allowing for high quality renovated homes for moderate income citizens. Also being an investor, he understands the dynamics of working with small and large business groups. He has the talent and experience to resolve matters before problems emerge. He remains loyal to the client’s satisfaction and outcomes of any transaction and negotiation.
For Ira, working for and with ARxC is personal. His father died of End Stage Renal Failure after receiving dialysis treatment for many years. Ira brings his passion and ability to work with different groups to the foray of the Advocates for Responsible Care. He has opened his home and heart to the patients and families of the Dialysis Crisis; always ready to help. Once again, he has been influential in by bringing knowledgeable and interested members to the table to assist ARxC’s new development of a best practice model for healthcare insurance. As a Board Member of ARxC, his shared excitement and enthusiasm of a realistic vision for this organization is welcomed.